
Performance standards in building -- Contents and presentation


رقم المستند: NL ISO 6240 : 2011
القطاع: Construction Materials and Building
TC: NL TC 59
ICS: 91.040.01
This International Standard specifies the basic contents to be included in Performance Standards for building components and assemblies, and indicates a Standard Order for their inclu- sion. lt is intended primarily for use by Standards committees prepar- ing Performance Standards for building components and assemblies. lt should also be useful for the preparation of other types of document, such as : a) Statements of required Performance in building regula- tions and other statutory documents; b) Statements of required or achieved Performance in guidance documents for building designers; c) Statements of required or achieved Performance in con- tract documents for purchasing components; d) Statements of required or achieved Performance in briefs and contract documents for the construction of buildings as a whole; e) Statements of achieved Performance in descriptive documents about manufacturers’ products. NOTE - A document covering preparation of Performance Standards in building has been submitted for testing to the sub-committees and ISO technical committees concerned.