
Guide for addressing environmental issues in product standards


رقم المستند: NL ISO GUIDE 64 : 2011
القطاع: Construction materials and building
TC: NL TC 207
ICS: 01.120 - 13.020.01
This Guide provides guidance on addressing environmental issues in product standards. It is primarily intended for product standards writers. Its purpose is ⎯ to outline the relationship between the provisions in product standards and the environmental aspects and impacts of the product, ⎯ to assist in drafting or revising provisions in product standards in order to reduce potential adverse environmental impacts at different stages of the entire product life-cycle, NOTE 1 See Annex B for examples. ⎯ to emphasize that taking into account environmental issues in product standards is a complex process and requires balancing competing priorities, ⎯ to recommend the use of life-cycle thinking when defining environmental provisions for a product for which a standard is being drafted, and ⎯ to promote the future development of relevant sector guides for addressing environmental issues in product standards by standards writers, consistent with the principles and approaches of this Guide.