Q: How can we get Lebanese standards?
A: All Lebanese standards are available at LIBNOR. You need to inform our information center of your request, whether by email, telephone or fax. You will receive a reply and a quotation .
Once you confirm your order, standards will be ready to purchase within 24 hours.
Q: How much does a Lebanese standard cost?
A: A Lebanese standard is priced according to its number of pages:
From 1 to 10 pages: 15,000 LBP
From 11 to 25 pages: 25,000 LBP
From 26 to 49 pages: 35,000 LBP
From 50 pages and more: 50,000 LBP
Q: Can't we buy Standards online?
A: Once the payment is done, soft copies of the standards could be sent to you by email.
Q: Why do standards exist?
A: Standards exist to:
• Promote international trade
• Produce safer products
• Improve the quality of life.
Q: What does LIBNOR offer?
A: LIBNOR offers:
• A network of experts
• A neutral platform where Lebanese interested parties or even competitors can meet and share common interests
• A gateway for the Lebanese stakeholders to international activities.
• An inquiry point where national, regional and international standards are available.
• A Conformity Mark (NL) for products.
Q: Why participate in LIBNOR standardization activities?
A: The importance of participating in Lebanese standards can be seen as follows:
• An opportunity to influence standards in your own field of interest
• Standards lead to:
o Larger markets
o Greater profitability
o Improved safety
o Environmental benefits
• Standards promote international trade and contribute to safer products and processes.
Q: Why is standardization a key component in a national Quality infrastructure?
A: Standardization is a key component in a national Quality infrastructure since it provides:
• Standards for the benefit of Market actors
• Standards for reference by Legislators
• Standards for Conformity assessors
• Standards for Accreditors.
Q: If we are members of a technical committee (TC), are we consequently a member of its subcommittees?
A: The member of a TC is not necessarily a member of its subcommittees (SCs). However, a potential member of a subcommittee (SC) must be a TC member first.
Q: How can we participate in the work of a Lebanese technical committee (NL TC)?
A: If you are interested in becoming a member of a certain Lebanese technical committee, all you have to do is to fill an application form.