

Standardization cannot be accomplished without Technical Committees. In fact, Technical Committees, also known as TCs, are essential to the elaboration of a standard. There are two types of TCs the mirror TCs (working on the adoption of International or Regional standards) and the national TCs working on specific Lebanese standards. The participation of the stakeholders is very important since they can express the point of view and the expertise of the parties they are representing. Moreover, members of a mirror TC can participate in the meetings of the original international or regional TCs and even vote on International Standards.


LIBNOR has adopted a new structure for its Technical committees (TCs), mirroring the ISO structure in order to facilitate the participation of the Lebanese stakeholders in the international standardization activities. Technical committees are formed by representatives from the private and public sectors, universities, research centers, laboratories, NGOs and other interested parties.
 Each committee has a secretary, a chairman and several members representing the stakeholders.

For more information about our Technical Committees (TC), click on the following link: List of NL Technical Committees